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07 Nov, 2007NBD Investment Bank becomes DIFXs first regional equity market maker

NBD Investment Bank (NBD-IB) has become the first regionally based bank to sign a market making agreement for equities traded on the Dubai International Financial Exchange (DIFX).

Shahzad Shahbaz, Chief Executive of NBD-IB commented: The market making capability is part of our strategy to provide comprehensive services to both our issuer and investor clients across issuance, sales and trading.

We are pleased to be associated with the DIFX particularly as it grows its listing activities.

Per E. Larsson, Chief Executive of the DIFX, said: &"We welcome NBD-IB, as a leading investment bank based in the region, as our newest market maker and look forward to further strengthening our relationship.

&"Market making provides investors with liquidity as well as confidence, ensuring that they can always buy or sell a security. It is a vital ingredient in our role as an international exchange serving investors in our region and around the world.&"

NBD-IB became a trading member of the DIFX in January 2007.

Hamed Ali, Executive Officer of the DIFX, said: The DIFX is gearing up for further significant growth and new listings in a variety of asset classes. We expect to promote investor access to these through further market making agreements.